I offer a human-centered approach that is focused on building equity consciousness, engaging with those impacted within the system, and designing an approach informed by a set of equity-focused leadership actions

I partner with a set of stakeholders in various roles and functions to understand your organization's challenges, strengths, and needs. Together, we identify a starting point or an area of focus that supports your organization's efforts in creating an equitable and liberating space for leaders to thrive. In this stage, I engage with those impacted within the systems through a series of Empathy Interviews that surface key experiences and identify targeted areas to focus.

I support leaders within complex systems by facilitating a series of Liberatory Design Sessions. Liberatory Design is an approach that incorporates human-centered design, with a complex systems theory, and deep equity practices. Liberatory Design centers on the belief that under the right conditions, people can solve their own problems. During this phase, I support leaders by engaging in a series of design sessions that build situational and equity consciousness, allow for optimal collaboration and innovation, and leverage your equity consciousness to learn, inform, and help guide leadership actions.

You will need a clear plan to ensure your idea gets out into the world to move from strategy to action. I support leaders in creating a roadmap that clearly articulates the steps to take to ensure your design efforts are attuned to addressing the initial challenge.

I offer technical assistance and coaching support for teams and individuals to execute their design efforts.

In times of rapid change and complexity, the responsibility to lead becomes all the more challenging. It’s through these volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous times that inspiring leaders are needed more than ever. Leadership within this context requires deep introspection that builds equity consciousness and relational trust, embraces complexity, and lead to learn and design a set of actions toward collective impact. I support leaders who are responsible for leading teams and organizations through complex systems change by offering a series of immersive learning workshops.

It wasn’t just the work that was holding us back but our struggle to get on the same page and value each other’s contributions in service of our intended impact. Rodney helped us get unstuck through a combination of 1:1 and team coaching as well as building our muscle to design a collaborative path forward.
— Nancy Gutierrez, CEO & President of The Leadership Academy